作者:编剧:李佳璇(Li,JiaXuan),绘者:徐子然(Xu,ZiRan) 2021-07-23 13:47:25
选送单位:北京漫传奇文化传播有限公司FT Culture(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.
儿童医疗中心收治了一名只有两个月大的宝宝小兰,她全家都不幸感染了新冠病毒!孩子太小,还不会表达,又见不到爸爸妈妈,怎么办?护士妈妈们总能想出好办法…… The Women & Children’s Medical Center admitted a two-year-old patient, baby Xiao Lan. Her whole family were unfortunately infected with the COVID-19. Xiao Lan is too young to express herself. And her parents are separately treated in another hospital. How could medics deal with this little baby? Don’t worry. The nurse and doctor moms always have a method.