
作者:导演:杨晓轩 2020-03-10 00:03:33


来自彩虹星球的嘟当曼因意外降落到地球,结识了芭蕾舞洋娃娃妮妮,修理工小库,充气章鱼噜噜,布熊波波,毛毛虫公仔咕叽等一群既“普通”又不“寻常”的伙伴。这里每天都有新奇的故事发生,也会遇上各种麻烦,还有一个喜欢恶作剧的调皮鬼“淘淘曼”来捣乱。面对千奇百怪的状况,玩具们只要大声呼唤“嘟当曼帮帮忙!”,具有神奇变身能力的嘟当曼便会从工具箱中一跃而出,变成消防车、警车、救护车等不同功能的工具车,与玩具伙伴们一起齐心协力攻克难关。 TUKTAKMAN and TOTOMAN broke the magical crystal ball and as punishment, they were sent to the earth to find all the pieces. They landed in a kindergarten and met a group of toys. TUKTAKMAN can transform and help his friends to solve problems. TUKTAKMAN and their toy friends have now begun their story.