作者:未填 2021-07-25 20:45:31
选送单位:山西传媒学院Communication University of Shanxi
中文: 人们都爱听戏的年代,用一出《大闹天宫》想要刻画出观众对曲的热情,戏角与饰演角色间的变化,乐师对演奏的投入,戏班孩童对未来的幻想。大家都有着同一个爱好,尽管生活辛苦也为之努力生存着。 英文: In the age of theater, Havoc in Heaven was meant to portray the audience's passion for the music, the changes between the roles, the musicians'commitment to the performance, and the children's fantasies about the future. We all have the same hobby, even though life is hard to survive