
作者:未填 2024-03-22 15:12:10


本片以小女孩的视角,去追溯曾参与抗美援朝战争的爷爷的故事。本作在基调轻松舒缓同时,不失对历史的思考,对英烈的缅怀。我们希望通过此作来慰藉战争中的英烈及其家人;用此作,激发我们这一辈——如孩童般对历史了解较少的青年人——对历史的思考与尊重。 This film traces the story of grandpa who participated in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea from the perspective of a little girl. While the tone of this work is relaxed and soothing, it does not lose the thinking of history and the memory of heroes. We hope to comfort the heroes and their families in the war through this work; Use this to inspire our generation.