作者:未填 2021-07-30 11:33:59
选送单位:央视动漫集团有限公司 CCTV Animation Group Limited
该片是央视动漫集团精心策划的庆祝建党100周年的动画作品。本片以家喻户晓的故事《林海雪原》为蓝本,采用动画形式重现红色经典,将爱国主义、革命英雄主义的精神贯穿始终,用光辉的英雄形象和感人的故事情节,讴歌人民解放军战士在中国共产党领导下、在剿匪斗争中,坚定的信仰、不屈的意志、大无畏的革命精神,体现了中国共产党领导下的军爱民、民拥军的军民情深。 The series is an animation piece elaborately planned by CCTV Animation Group to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of The Communist Party of China. It is sourced from the well-known story Tracks in the Snowy Forest and adopts the animation format to reproduce the red classics. With brilliant heroic images and moving plots, the series adheres to the spirits of patriotism and revolutionary heroism throughout and eulogizes PLA soldiers’ determined faith, unyielding will and revolutionary spirit of fearless dedication under the leadership of the Communist Party of China during the bandit suppression to reflect reflect the inseparable deep connection of mutual cherishing and support between Chinese people and PLA army guided by CPC.