作者:未填 2022-10-01 14:35:57
小钟在父亲去世不久后回到即将拆迁的老家收拾,意外找到了一本父亲身患老年痴呆症时的本子,本子中父亲画的钟表唤起了小钟的回忆,最后却发现,本上画的表承载的其实是老钟患病之后一直没有忘记的与儿子的相处时光······ Xiao Zhong returned to his demolished hometown shortly after his father's death, and accidentally found a book when his father was suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the clock drawn by his father in the book evoked Xiao Zhong's memories, and finally found that the watch painted on this book actually carried the time spent with his son that Old Zhong had not forgotten after his illness...