《草原志怪:遗弃谷篇》/Mystery Tales of the Prairie:Abandoned Swales

作者:优癖/up! 2022-10-10 11:10:40


《草原志怪》是网易LOFTER打造的本土文化项目,由多个短篇漫画通过线索串联,由蒙古族漫画家优癖担任编绘。内容取材自蒙古族日常口耳相传的民间故事,以漫画的形式表现草原人文风土以及人与自然的关系。 “Mystery Tales of the Prairie" is a comic project based on indigenous Chinese cultural, which created by NetEase LOFTER. The Mongolian cartoonist “up!” served as an editor. The comic are based on ancient mystery stories of the Mongolian people. Several short comics are connected by clues, aiming to show the cultural landscape of the grassland and the relationship between human and nature.