《你好,辫子姑娘》《Hello, Braid Girl》

作者:未填 2023-05-05 14:08:56

选送单位:江苏省广播电视总台 Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation

以历史事件“渡江战役”为切口,通过“辫子”一生的经历,把新中国成立到十八大以来几个重要时期串连到一起,跨越建党百年历史,体现出建国以来翻天覆地变化,感受党领导中国从站起来、富起来到强起来的历史功勋。 The story takes the Yangtze River Crossing campaign and related historical figures as its starting point,through the life experience of the "braided girl",it connects several important historical periods from the founding of New China to the present,allowing teenagers to experience first-hand the historical achievements of the CPC in leading China from standing up,getting rich to getting strong.