作者:未填 2023-05-28 15:25:18
选送单位:杭州师范大学 Hangzhou Normal University
这个家庭中的哥哥因为一次意外离开了这个世界,妈妈和妹妹因为失去亲人的痛苦陷入在悲伤中很久,最后妈妈和妹妹通过彼此温暖,终于在时间如流水般的冲刷下,正视了这件事情。作品以虎头娃娃一物为线索,串联起一个失去其中成员的家庭的往事。虎头娃娃不但象征着哥哥,而且蕴含着妈妈和女儿对他的思念。 The work uses the tiger-headed doll as a thread to link the past of a family that has lost one of its members. The tiger head doll not only symbolises the brother, but also contains the thoughts of the mother and daughter for him.