《潮》/ Tide

作者:未填 2023-05-28 19:47:54

选送单位:杭州阿优文化科技有限公司 Hangzhou AU Culture&Technologies Co., Ltd.

本片以杭州亚运会会徽“潮涌”主体图形潮水作为意象穿针引线,将杭州传统文化元素与亚运会体育项目融古今为一炉,展现杭州人民“奔竞不息”“敢于弄潮”“勇立潮头”的精神品质,杭州传统与现代交融的城市魅力。“笑问客从何处来”的收尾,展现杭州“当好东道主,同心筑亚运”的精神风貌,以及“用心交融,互相包容”的杭州亚运会精神。This film takes the tide as a symbol,the main figure of Hangzhou Asian Games emblem,combined with Hangzhou’s traditional cultural elements and the Asian Games’ sports events.It shows the spirits of Hangzhou People such courageously standing at the head of the tide,demonstrating the urban charm of Hangzhou where tradition and modernness blend.