梦与青空(Dream and Cyan sky)

作者:未填 2023-05-29 00:31:12


《梦与青空》基于个人经历创作。讲述了线为了完成图纸上的设计,找到四个小伙伴,颜料、竹子、布和胶水。五人共同完成了一支巨大的风筝,最后在清晨的山丘上线坐在风筝上飞向远方。大家终将分离,但彼此的脚步不会停止,属于自己的风筝会载着他们飞到想去的地方。 "Dream and Sky" is based on personal experience. In order to complete the design on the drawing, the thread finds four friends, pigment, bamboo, cloth and glue. The five finished a huge kite and flew away on the top of a hill in the early morning. We will eventually part, but each other's footsteps will not stop, their own kite will carry them to the place they want to go.