作者:主笔蒋扬,编剧王莫失Jiang,Yang,,Wang,Moshi 2023-05-29 10:09:36
选送单位:快看世界(北京)科技有限公司 Kuaikan World (Beijing) Technology CO.,LTD.
明嘉靖年间,倭乱四起,皇帝却痴迷于长生炼丹之术不理朝政。天纵英才的锦衣卫副指挥使沈昭,中元夜被倭人胁迫入宫盗宝被杀。不想一场大火男主死而复生,成为了一名不死之人。During the Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty,Japanese pirates were rampant,but the emperor was obsessed with the elixir of life and ignored state affairs.Shen Zhao,a talented man and the vice commander of the Imperial Guards,was forced by the Japanese pirates to steal treasures in the palace on the night of the Ghost Festival and was killed.Unexpectedly,he was resurrected after a fire and became an undead.