《费村旧记》 -_ The old memory of Fei Cun

作者:郭洪恩,Guo,hong,en 2024-04-15 16:40:47


在这套绘本里,我以龙虾的视角来叙述着我自己,也是运用了视听语言课程的内容。或许会比直接以我自己独立叙述要更有趣一些。这套绘本之所以我要用彩铅和综合材料是为了模拟孩童时自己在纸上乱涂乱画的过程,是为了赋予这套作品孩童时期应该有的“温度”。 In this picture book, I describe myself from the perspective of a lobster, and also use the content of audio-visual language courses. Maybe it's a little more interesting than just telling it myself. f scribbling on paper when children were children, and to give this work the "temperature" that it should have in childhood.