《沙海》Sea Of Sand

作者:未填 2024-04-24 14:59:49

选送单位:同济大学Tongji University

《沙海》是一个关于家、成长和爱的定格动画短片,讲述了森林中的小老鼠一家被迫离开家园、沿着巨树不断向上攀爬,以躲避沙海侵袭的故事,将如细沙流逝的时间具象成沙海,表达对童年记忆中家的爱与怀念。 Sea of Sand is a stop-motion animated short film about home, growing up and love. It tells the story of a family of mice in the forest who are forced to leave their home and climb up a giant tree to escape from sea of sand, visualizing the passing of time like fine sand into sea of sand, and expressing the love and nostalgia for the home they remembered in their childhood.