大王日记(The King Diaries)

作者:未填 2021-06-10 17:24:20

选送单位:江苏省广播电视总台(Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation)

故事讲述了一只祖孙三代盘踞于红旗小学的橘猫“大王”,在新的乡村教师“小王”到来后,感到自己的地位岌岌可危,于是主动“发起挑战”,在一次次的碰撞后,“大王”对这位新老师逐渐产生了改观,化敌为友。故事从橘猫“大王”的视角出发,观察到一位大学生支教教师参与扶贫事业,用自己的能力和知识帮助贫困的孩子和家庭,从乡村教师的付出、村民和学生的转变,既烘托出教育扶贫战线中一线工作者的辛勤与伟大,也描绘出教育工作者的浪漫情怀。(The story tells an orange cat “King” who lives in Hongqi Primary School with three generations. The arrival of the new village teacher Wang has made King feel that its position in the school is in danger. Therefore, it proactively "challenges" Wang. However, King gradually changes its view on the new teacher and they become friends after times of battle. From the perspective of the orange cat "King", the story tells about a college student who joins the poverty alleviation cause as a volunteer teacher and helps the poor children and families with his own ability and knowledge. Thanks to the new rural teacher, the local villagers and students have made some changes and improvements. This story shows us a great and romantic front-line worker of educational poverty alleviation.)