• The gold medal

    Title:《哪吒之魔童降世》 Synopsis of NeZha

    Intro:天地灵气孕育出一颗能量巨大的混元珠,元始天尊将混元珠提炼成灵珠和魔丸,灵珠投胎为人;而魔丸则会诞出魔王,为祸人间。元始天尊启动了天劫咒语,3年后天雷将会降临,摧毁魔丸。本应是灵珠英雄的哪吒却成了混世大魔王。顽劣不堪的哪吒却徒有一颗做英雄的心。然而面对众人对魔丸的误解和即将来临的天雷的降临,哪吒是否命中注定会立地成魔?他将何去何从? The aura from heaven and earth has given birth to a powerful Chaos pearl inserted with spiritual energies. The Supreme Lord -Yuanshi Tianzun concocts two pills out of the pearl – a Spiritual Pearl (Ling Zhu) and a Demon pill (Mo Wan). The Spiritual Pearl will be reincarnated as the third son of Li Jing, the Commander of ChenTang Pass,by Taiyi Zhenren. Lijing’s third son is NeZha. The demon will be born of the demon pill, who is set to bring great destructions to the world. However, the Spiritual Pearl was replaced by the Demon pill. Nezha becomes a demon.To prevent disasters, The Supreme Lord -Yuanshi Tianzun has initiated a kalpa spell to strike the Demon pill with thunder in three years. Facing the advent of the thunder, will Nezha still be the demon as destined? What will he choose?

  • The silver medal


    Intro:《雪人奇缘》是东方梦工厂与美国梦工场再次携手打造的面向全球市场、向世界讲述中国故事的动画大片。本片将带给观众一段从中国城市街头到3000公里以外的喜马拉雅雪山的奇妙旅行。 小女孩小艺在自家楼顶偶然发现了小雪人“大毛”, 在得知它来自遥远的珠穆朗玛峰后,便和另外两位淘气的小伙伴阿俊、鹏鹏一起,经历艰辛与考验,护送小雪人在地球之巅与家人团聚。与此同时,一位富人和动物学家试图抓住“大毛”,三个小伙伴必须领先坏人们一步护送小雪人回家。 DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio’s co-production Abominable takes audiences on an epic 2,000-mile adventure from the streets of Shanghai to the breathtaking Himalayan snowscapes.  When teenage Yi encounters a young Yeti on the roof of her apartment building in Shanghai, she and her mischievous friends, Jin and Peng, name him “Everest” and embark on an epic quest to reunite the magical creature with his family at the highest point on Earth. But the trio of friends will have to stay one-step ahead of Burnish, a wealthy man intent on capturing a Yeti, and zoologist Dr. Zara to help Everest get home.

  • Bronze medal

    Title:《赛尔号大电影7疯狂机器城》(《Seer Movie 7:crazy interligence》)

    Intro:《赛尔号大电影7疯狂机器城》是冒险喜剧类动画电影。该片由王章俊执导,于2019年8月2日在中国内地上映。 本片讲述了赛尔号上的阿铁打在执行维修飞船任务时,突然遭遇到了星球爆炸,阿铁打没能躲过爆炸的碎片,被流落到另一个荒无人烟的星球上。阿铁打在空旷萧瑟的荒漠异星上突破困境,赛尔先锋小队和动物宇航员们携手,在机关重重、设计精妙的机器城中打败阿尔法熊。 《Seer Movie 7:crazy interligence》 is an adventure comedy cartoon film,which produced by Taomee. The film was directed by Wang Zhangjun and was released in mainland China on August 2, 2019. This film tells us that ATieda suddenly encountered a star explosion when he was on a mission to repair the spaceship, so he was exiled to another desolate planet. ATieda breaks through the dilemma on the desert stars. Seer Pioneer Team and the animal astronauts work together to defeat the alpha bear in the machine city with numerous mechanisms and exquisite design.

  • The gold medal

    Title:《百鸟朝凤》 Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix

    Intro:《百鸟朝凤》新时代对于具有中国传统文化特色动画片的一次探索与突破。该片以中国经典民间神话传说“百鸟朝凤”为创作蓝本,用水墨绘制的写意手法,将中华传统文化与当代儿童审美需求完美融合,以生动有趣的故事情节、富有民族特色的美术设计,展现凤凰身上所承载的中国人民勤劳、勇敢和智慧的民族精神,向广大少年儿童传递正确的价值导向,弘扬社会主义核心价值观。 本片选取了其中七彩羽衣的段落进行提炼和改编,把凤凰的成长与拯救家园相结合,使其善良的品质和成长的轨迹更加清晰,形成了这个关于拯救家园、心灵成长的故事。森林发生大旱,凤凰为了拯救梧桐古树和鸟儿们,去遥远的天羽之城寻找七彩羽衣,最终返回家园化解灾难。四方鸟儿都来向凤凰祝贺,鸟儿们随着凤凰在空中翩翩起舞,一幅“百鸟朝凤”的美丽胜景呈现在观众面前。 Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix is an exploration and break-through made by CCTV Animation Group in the new era in the field of animated series which features Chinese Traditional Culture. The series adopts the classic Chinese mythological folktale - “Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix” as its source of inspiration and freehand brushwork of Chinese ink painting as its production style to perfectly combine the Chinese Traditional Culture and the aesthetic needs of contemporary children. It uses vivid and funny plots, art designs of national features to show Chinese people's national spirits of diligence, bravery and wisdom carried by the phoenix, convey the correct value proposition to teenagers and children and spread the core values of socialism. This series selects the section of ‘Colorful Plumage Clothing’ from the tale for refinement and adaptation. It combines the growth of phoenix and his save of home, making a clearer display of his kind character and growing path, to tell this story of how he saves his home and goes through a spiritual growth. Since there is a drought happening to the forest, phoenix sets off for the distant Feathery City to find the Colorful Plumage Clothing in attempt to save the ancient Phoenix Tree and other birds. He eventually returns to home and resolves the disaster. Birds from everywhere come to pay their homage to the phoenix and they all dance trippingly in the sky, presenting the audience a picturesque scenery of “Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix”.

  • The silver medal

    Title:彩虹宝宝 3/Rainbow Ruby 3

    Intro:《彩虹宝宝》是首部针对3-8岁儿童,以职业认知和情商教育为主题、以启迪未来梦想为宗旨制作的优秀国产3D动画。故事讲述了一个普通的六岁女孩露露奇迹般地来到玩具们的童话世界---彩虹小镇,通过变身各种职业角色来帮助朋友们解决难题,通过一段段奇幻冒险故事告诉孩子们,遇到困难和挑战时不要退缩,需要用智慧和勇气去解决,并以此启迪孩子们的未来梦想。 Rainbow Ruby is the first excellent domestic 3D animation designed for children aged 3-8 with the theme of vocational cognition and emotional quotien education to inspire their dreams for future. The story tells a 6-year-old girl named Lulu, who comes down to the magic land where the dolls live -- rainbow village by chance. She plays various roles to help friends in the rainbow village to solve their problems. Through a series of fantasy adventure stories, children are encouraged to solve the difficulties and challenges with wisdom and courage rather than retreat , and inspired to dream for their future.

  • Bronze medal

    Title:舒克贝塔 SHUKE&BEITA

    Intro:动画片舒克贝塔,改编自郑渊洁原著《舒克和贝塔历险记》,原作者被誉为中国童话大王。动画片的受众年龄:是6-12岁,节目规格是每集11分钟,26集;内核是友情,冒险,成长,勇敢正义。改编自《舒克贝塔历险记》原著作者童话大王郑渊洁老师。郑渊洁笔下的舒克和贝塔是中国名气做大的两只老鼠,他们从人人喊打的老鼠到誉满全球的飞行员、坦克手,他们办报纸,上太空,到全宇宙冒险,甚至和皮皮鲁一道维护世界和平…. SHUKE & BEITA Adapted from the original work of ADVENTURES OF SHUKE AND BEITA of YUANJIE ZHENG, the king of fairy tales in China. Audience range: 6-12 years’ old Specifications: 11mins × 26eps Key words: mice, helicopter, tank, friendship, adventure, growth, The main characters are two mice, changing from sad apple to pilot SHUKE and tankman BEITA around world. They create newspaper, manage airplane company and take adventure in whole universe to safeguard world peace with PIPILU.

  • The gold medal

    Title:生生不息Life and Growth in Nature

    Intro:在中国东北部的长白山里,松鼠妈妈养育着小松鼠们。秋天,她忙碌着囤积粮食准备过冬。冬天来了,松鼠妈妈为了寻找松果倒在了雪地里,一只东北虎发现了她。。。 第二年春天,万物复苏,小松鼠们在树林中跳跃着。 In Changbai Mountain, northeast of China, the mother squirrel is taking care of her little squirrels. In autumn, she’s busy hoarding food for the coming winter. When winter comes, the mother squirrel fell in the snow in search of pine cones, and a tiger finds her… The following spring, everything comes back to life. The little squirrels are leaping and flashing in the forest.

  • The silver medal


    Intro:《秋实》的主人公是一只蝈蝈。初秋时节,园子里的虫儿争相觅食。这些渺小而又顽强的生命经历了春、夏、秋,三季的风雨洗礼,此时要争分夺秒地为秋后的蛰伏做好充分的准备,全片无对白,通过虫与虫之间的较量,突出角色的情绪表现、动作设计与节奏把控,从而刻画出园子里的小虫的“生存法则”,体现大自然蕴涵的深刻哲理。 The protagonist of Harvest is a grasshopper. In the early autumn, insects in the garden scramble for food. These small and tenacious creatures have experienced the blessings and hardships of spring, summer, and autumn but now they have to race against the clock to be fully prepared to survive the winter. The whole film, with no dialogue, highlights the roles’ emotional expression, action design and rhythm control by showing the strife among insects in a garden which depicts the "law of survival", thus reflecting the profound philosophy of nature.

  • Bronze medal


    Intro:This is a story about little Bobo, who was the smallest little boy in the world. All the little girls and all the little boys were bigger than the little Bobo, and whenever the kids were sorting by the size, Bobo was the last in line. That's why little Bobo was very unhappy. His greatest wish was to no longer be the smallest boy in the world. That is why little Bobo one day went out in rain in order to grow bigger ... 这是关于小波波的故事,他是世上最小的小男孩。所有的小女孩和小男孩都比他个头大,无论何时孩子们按大小排序,小波波都排在最后。因此他非常不开心。小波波最大的愿望就是不再做世界上最小的男孩。有一天,小Bobo为了长大冲进了雨中……

  • The gold medal


    Intro:故事中的三位角色,以漫畫標題命名,小風、中竹、大城,3個不曾見過對方的樣子,來到這陌生的城市。也吸引了神奇世界的魔力精靈們,隱藏在城市的小角落,是個很小心躲起來的微小族群,他們以自己的方式,守護野生的世界。小風、中竹、大城,來到了「風竹城」,這裡野心商人和黑官,相當有權力,在這個地方偷偷污染了自然,只為了製造戰爭,過程中也嫁禍他人,為了各種利益的角力,一個巨大事件,即將展開⋯⋯。 The three characters in the story, named after the comic title, S Wind, M Bamboo, L Castle, Three have never seen each other's appearance, came to this strange city. Also attracted the magical world of the magic of the wizard, hidden in the small corner of the city, is a very careful to hide the small groups, they in their own way, guarding the wild world. The S Wind, M Bamboo, L Castle came to the "Bamboo Windy Towns", Here ambitious businessmen and black officials, quite powerful, in this place secretly polluted the natural, just to create the war, the process also blame others, for the interests of various interests, a huge event, about to start......

  • The silver medal

    Title:《大物》The Great Ones

    Intro:在众多历史题材的作品中,神秘而富有图腾精神的商朝中期历史鲜为人知。本作通过挖掘这段鲜为人知的历史,将《大物》引入众人的视野。大物,大在其身形,也在其力量,更在其神性,古代壁画中,王大于民,《大物》中,物大于王。在严谨的历史考据之下,本作以漫画的形式,展现低微的人类与顶天立地近乎于神明的生物——“大物”之间的关系,带领读者溯回这段鲜为人知的史诗传奇。 Among many historical stories, the mysterious and totemic history of the mid-Shang dynasty is little known. By excavating this period of time, The Great Ones introduces the fantasy of the ancient great creatures to the public attention. In ancient frescoes, the king is greater than the people, and in The Great Ones, these creatures are greater than the king. This work presents the dynamic and relationship between these godly, gigantic beings and human, uncovering the unknown epic saga.

  • Bronze medal

    Title:《防灾减灾科普绘本系列——牛牛和妞妞》 Niuniu and Niuniu: Science Picture Book Series Themed on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

    Intro:《防灾减灾科普绘本系列 牛牛和妞妞》是一本原创科普漫画书。本书将防灾减灾知识与漫画绘本形式相结合,通过小猫牛牛及其主人妞妞的日常小故事,生动描绘了常见的防灾减灾知识,书中故事幽默、寓意丰富,漫画笔锋简洁、手法夸张,兼具专业性、权威性、实用性、趣味性,益于青少年阅读学习,提升科学素养。本书入选2019年“原动力”中国原创动漫出版扶持计划。为了增强读者的阅读体验,本书增添了数字融合出版的内容,丰富的线上资源使本书图、文、声、情并茂,拓展了读者阅读的深度与广度。 与市场上同类书比较,本书形式新颖、故事生动、知识精准、装帧精美,属于不多见的科普漫画绘本。一出版就深受读者喜爱,销量达15000多册。 “Niuniu and Niuniu: Science Picture Book Series Themed on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation” is an original popular science comic book. This book combines disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge with cartoon pictures, and vividly depicts common disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge through the daily stories between the cat Niuniu and its owner Niuniu. The story in the book is humorous and rich in meaning. The comic is concise and exaggerated. It is professional, authoritative, practical and interesting. It is helpful for teenagers to improve their scientific literacy. This book was selected into the “ ‘Original Power’ China’s Original Animation Publishing Support Plan in 2019”. In order to enhance the reading experience of readers, the book adds digital content. The rich online resources make the book excellent not only in pictures and text, also in the sound and emotion. Compared with similar books on the market, this book is a rare popular science cartoon picture book which is created in a novel form with vivid stories, accurate knowledge and exquisite binding. As soon as it was published, it won a good reputation of a large number of readers. It has been sold more than 15000 copies.

  • Title:《伴羽人》The Crane Lover

    Intro:一位女子在芦苇地中苦苦等待她的梦中情人,最后在冬天的大雪中冻死了。死前她怀着思念之情起舞化鹤,而死后只留下她的尸体静静躺在雪地上。而她与梦中情人的回忆不过是她的幻想。 A woman waits for her dream lover in the wild field of reed along. At the end, she freezes to death in the heavy snow in winter. Before her death, she dances and becomes a crane and flies away with the deep love for her dream lover. After her death, there is only her body in the snow under the tree where they meets each other. But actually, the memory between she and her lover is just her fantasy.

  • Title:小事/PETTY THING

    Intro:一个夏日的寻常午后,几个孩子在村里玩耍。喜欢玩枪战的他们无意间捡到一把仿真枪,当它被扣下扳机时,枪声响彻林间。 The summer afternoon was no special, until the kids, also gun fight lovers, hung around in the village and found a replica pistol. As the trigger was pulled, the whole wood was awakened.

  • Title:请和兔子一起玩 Please play with the rabbit.

    Intro:一只自卑、胆怯、软弱的总是带着面具的小兔子,经常受到小伙伴的欺负与漠视,但是她渴望友谊,也希望可以自由快乐的与小伙伴们玩耍,于是她在努力克服自己,鼓起勇气摘下面具,露出自己真实的面容,希望大家可以接纳她这只与众不同的“小兔子”。 根据一位嘴部畸形的小女孩(以兔唇为例)的真实童年故事改编,通过带着面具的小兔子去隐晦的表达所有的兔唇儿童。通过她的自白方式去吐露自己的心声。呼吁大家去关注儿童们内心最真实的渴望。 A low self-esteem, timidity, weakness always wearing a mask of the rabbit, often by the small partner of bullying and indifference, but she longs for friendship, but also hope to be free and happy to play with the small partners, so she is trying to overcome themselves, pluck up the courage to take off the mask, reveal their true face, hope that we can accept her this unique "little rabbit." Based on the true childhood story of a little girl with a deformed mouth (in the case of a rabbit lip), all rabbit lip children are expressed in obscurity through a masked rabbit. Through her way of confiding in her own voice. Call on everyone to pay attention to the most real desires of children.


    Intro:The car goes fast. The atmosphere is tense. There is no one outside. Taken by her father, the young Zheina seeks her mother who is still in the hospital to take care of the wounded. She discovers a city emptied of its population and whose buildings debris announce a significant danger. 汽车开得很快。气氛紧张。外头没有人。年轻的哲娜(Zheina)由父亲带着,正在寻找仍在医院照顾受伤者的母亲。她发现一个空无一人的城市,其间的建筑物残骸表明这里存在着重大危险。

  • Title:Trois Francs Six Sous

    Intro:During the second world war, a French farmer named Marcel hopes to see life again in the eyes of his mother, Josépha. She has been living in a vegetative state since the disappearance of her elder son. At the same time, he begins to help people affected by the war without actually knowing how much trouble he is going to get in. 在第二次世界大战期间,一位名叫马塞尔(Marcel)的法国农民希望在母亲乔塞法(Josépha)的眼中重见生机。打从大儿子失踪以来,她一直处于植物人的状态。同时,他开始帮助受战争影响的人们,全然不知自己将被卷进多少麻烦。

  • Title:《囧囧海丝奇游记》JONJON Adventure Of Maritime Silk Road

    Intro:《囧囧海丝奇游记》 来自二十一世纪的卡通动画人物囧囧,心中充满了对海上丝绸之路的无限向往和一探究竟的好奇之心,囧囧决定重回海上丝绸之路,探寻千年海丝旅途。囧囧带领着我们穿梭古今中外,走进了海丝各个港口与国家,与历史隔空对话,寻找隐匿在时光中那些惊心动魄的故事,为我们讲述海丝旅程的前世今生,寻回失落的记忆,重现历史的繁华与文明。 Cartoon characters from the 21st century named JONJON, filling with infinite yearning for the maritime Silk Road and curiosity to find out the truth, deciding to return to the maritime Silk Road, to explore the millennium Silk road journey. JONJON leads us to travel back and forth between ancient and modern China and foreign countries, to enter various ports and countries of The Sea, dialogue with history, searching for those thrilling stories hidden in the time, then,it also to tell us the preexistence and this life of the sea journey, to retrieve lost memories, The last, it recreates the prosperity and civilization of history.

  • Title:蹴鞠猫 Cuju Cat

    Intro:故事以非物质文化遗产蹴鞠为灵感创作来源。通过人物的故事侧面表现宋代蹴鞠的部分“白打”技巧动作、蹴鞠制作工艺的发展,以及体现宋代蹴鞠和现代足球玩法的不同。画面风格模仿古老的绢本画采用偏黄色调,结合古代山水建筑等元素呼应,人物以人形动物为主,能增加故事内容趣味性的同时,更符合该绘本阅读目标人群的选择。 The story is inspired by the intangible cultural heritage Cuju. Through the story profile of the characters, it shows the development of some "white play" skills and techniques of Cuju in Song Dynasty, and the differences between Cuju in Song Dynasty and modern football.Picture style imitates the ancient silk painting with yellow tone, combined with the ancient landscape architecture and other elements echo, the characters are mainly human animals, which can increase the interesting content of the story, at the same time, more in line with the choice of the target group of the picture book reading.

  • Title:《无心》《Heartless》

    Intro:作品中奶牛猫的原型是我的一只猫,而我创作最初的契机是源于家猫的病逝,想要画一个和它有关的作品。 但是在真正创作的时候,我发现我并不希望去描绘和它有关的离合。故而将故事的发展转嫁在另外一个虚拟的角色身上。奶牛猫一角才是故事中真正的核心角色,既是它又是我的情感寄托。 The prototype of the cow cat in the work is one of my cats. My initial opportunity was the death of a home cat, who wanted to draw a work related to it. But at the time of real creation, I found that I did not want to describe the separation associated with it. Therefore, the development of the story is passed on to another virtual character. A cow cat is the real core character in the story, both it and my emotional sustenance. 受到人工智能的影响,考虑到未来的智能机械在人类社会中如何生存,在高度发展的智能社会中的样子,以及人类如何与人工智能相处。 Influenced by artificial intelligence, considering how the future intelligent machinery survives in human society, what it looks like in a highly developed intelligent society, and how humans get along with artificial intelligence.

  • Title:《巡山者》 GUARDIAN

    Intro:主题为动物和生态环境保护,作品根据可可西里卫士—英雄杰桑•索南达杰的事迹进行改编,采用多格故事漫画的方式跨时空的讲述了藏羚羊、偷猎者和巡山队三者之间的关系。藏铃羊“男孩”族群被偷猎者猎杀,对人类心存敌意,后被巡山队救下后,与巡山队之间由敌意、警惕、怀疑到逐渐信任的过程。巡山队在追踪偷猎者时被伏击,在激烈的斗争中双方牺牲惨烈。时间拉回现实,国家自然保护区的建立,藏羚羊数量的回升等。救护站工作人员在向志愿者讲述着。核心传达:希望、守护、传承以及对大自然生灵的敬畏之心 The theme is animal and ecological environment protection. The work is adapted from the deeds of the hero Jiesang, the “guardian” of KeKeXiLi. It tells the relationship among Tibetan antelope, poachers and mountain patrol team in the way of multi story cartoon. After being hunted and killed by poachers, the Tibetan bell sheep "boy" group is hostile to human beings. After being rescued by the mountain patrol team, the process of hostility, vigilance, suspicion and gradually trust between the "boy" group and the mountain patrol team has changed. The mountain patrol was ambushed in the pursuit of poachers, and both sides died miserably in the fierce struggle.